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Educational Game “Journalist. Riga – a Port City”

On May 27, 2016, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. Riga Purvciems Secondary School in collaboration with the International Association of Experts in Children Education on High Technologies (IAECEHT) will commence the second cycle of the spring season Educational Game “Journalist. Riga – a Port City” for secondary school students. “We meet Riga students again, this time for the visit to the Freeport of Riga, an integral part of the city and a significant element of transport infrastructure in the Baltic Sea Region”, says the IAECEHT expert and one of the organizers of the event, Mikhail Epshteyn. The project engages Riga Zolitude Gymnasium, Pushkin Lyceum, as well as Riga Secondary Schools No. 10, 40 and 22.

“Following the positive feedback, we continue learning about the functioning of different Riga enterprises”, Mikhail Epshteyn explains. This time, the amateur journalists will be able to get the insight of the operation of the Vessel Traffic Service Center, the Freeport of Riga Police, “Riga Universal Terminal” LLC, “MAN-TESS Tranzit” LLC and “Riga Bulk Terminal” LLC.

The main goal of the project for the students is to get the necessary information in order to come up with a journalistic article within the limited time. Meanwhile, the project organizers will hold a workshop for the teachers on the approach of the educational game and report on the prospects for the game implementation in Latvia.

Finally, all the articles will be evaluated by the experienced journalists and the best works will later be published on the portals, and in other media. “It is important to give the youngsters an idea of different professions available for them after school graduation. As a result of trying their hands as reporters, columnists, editors or public relations specialists, the students learn about the most promising areas of university or college education”, Riga Purvciems Secondary School principal, Yuri Klyukin, reported.

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